Corpus Christi in San Jose

Corpus Christi procession in San Jose, Breña Baja
Corpus Christi procession in San Jose, Breña Baja

Corpus Christi is a smaller affair in San Jose (Breña Baja) than in Mazo, but it’s still beautiful.

Corpus Christi in San Jose
The Corpus Christi procession In San Jose, Breña Baja

San Jose always celebrates Corpus Christi on the Sunday after Mazo’s celebration. Since the whole thing takes out on a flat, tarmaced street, the tradition is to make carpets of coloured salt, with the altars being much more modest. In recent years, many of the carpets are made from seeds and petals, like the ones in Mazo.
Corpus Christi altar procession in San Jose, Breña Baja
Corpus Christi altar procession in San Jose, Breña Baja

The carpets are made on the Saturday evening, and stay there until Sunday evening. On Sunday at noon, there’s a procession with the Host (the communion wafers, or Body of Christ) similar to the one in Mazo.

Corpus Christi altar in San Jose, Breña Baja
Corpus Christi altar in San Jose, Breña Baja

Posted by sheila

Sheila came to La Palma with a six month contract and has stayed 24 years so far. She used to work as a software engineer at the observatory, but now she's a writer and Starlight guide.

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