• The Seer’s Stone
  • The Dodo Dragon and other stories
  • About Sheila Crosby
  • A Breathtaking Window on the Universe

The key to weight loss

It’s January, and like half the women in the world, I want to lose a bit of weight. So I promised myself that I’d start exercising again as soon as my son went back to school. Yesterday the morning disappeared as I caught up with housework. When I still hadn’t managed a walk by eleven, I got cross with myself, grabbed my keys, and dashed out. The sun shone, it…


We Three Kings

Tonight the three kings came to Santa Cruz. They come every year to bring presents to the good children, but first they parade through town. We wenbt to see them. Of course the parade started late and of course the crowds were tiring. We had originally planned to see the whole lot, but we gave up pretty early.Tonight the shops will stay open at least until midnight for last minute…



I have just traced the awful stink in the kitchen to my son’s slippers. They’re shaped like dogs’ heads, with the snout forming the toe part. My son loves them, and we call the Gerroff and Down Boy. I bought them when he was wishing for a pet dog, you see. They look great, but they make his feet sweat, hence the pong. I opened the windows and washed the…