Starry Skies over La Palma

The Roque at night by Manel Soria
April 19, 2012

Manel Soria, who gave a talk on night photography at FotoNature 2012 now has amazing photos of La Palma on his website at The photo above was taken in the observatory, looking north. From left to right you can see the empty dome of the Swedish 60 cm telescope, MAGIC II (on the horizon, some distance below), the Superwasp Follow-up Telescope (closer), the Liverpool telescope (peeking from behind the ridge),…


Fotonature Photography Classes 2012

From 23rd – 25th March, Fotonature will run photography classes on La Palma. All classes take place in Spanish in the Casa de Cultura in Los Llanos de Aridane, although two of the teachers are from the United States and will presumably give their talk with a translator. These classes are free. Jane Menyawi is the photography editor for National Geographic books. She’ll talk about designing and creating your own…

March 18, 2012

A Blood Red Moon

June 16, 2011

A Blood red eclipse of the moon from Llano de la Venta viewpoint La Palma has beautiful dark skies, so I was hoping for a really good view of last night’s lunar eclipse. But looking at the low cloud along the horizon, I decided to drive up to the star party at Llano de la Venta, one of La Palma’s astronomical viewpoints. In practice, an astronomical vciewpoint means parking space,…