A sale!

Last night I submitted a story to Escape Velocity, and this morning there was an email waiting for me, accepting it. I think this is a new record for a high-speed acceptance. And since the story features the Sardine’s Funeral in Santa Cruz de la Palma, which ends Carnival every year here, I put up a photo essay on my main web site. I feel like Father Christmas came early.

December 23, 2007


I got behind with everything while I was ill. For one thing, my story These Eyes is supposed to go out at the critters workshop on Wednesday, but it hasn’t been edited and I’m waaaay behind with my critiques of others’ stories. Now the Tourist office want their editing job by yesterday, the house is decidedly grubby, the ironing pile almost reaches the ceiling, and I have one urgent edit…

December 2, 2007

Nearly Christmas already

November 24, 2007

I spent a good bit of the afternoon asleep. Then this evening I designed the Christmas card I’m going to send out to friends. I try to get the international cards in the post on December 1st, but I rarely manage it. Only a month to Christmas, my goodness!


70,000 reasons to celebrate

November 24, 2007

I promised myself I’d get the novel up to 70,000 words before I stopped for Christmas, and I did.So last night I went out with my friends to celebrate. We found a new restaurant in town that was very good, and stayed until about midnight. This morning I feel a bit rough, but I made a rum cake, mostly as an excuse to put the candles on. If I don’t…


The Basic Qualification for Writers

An email friend pointed me at an article at http://www.fundsforwriters.com/ “In essence, 77% of UK readers reread books they like. Compare that to the US where the average reader only reads four books a year, and one of every four Americans admits to not reading anything in the last year. They don’t just read UK material, either. The list of the most reread books follows the article to include many…

November 19, 2007

A party at last

November 4, 2007

We went to a late kids’ halloween party yesterday. It was fun, and as it turned out, the start of a new romance. I had planned to spend most of today catching up on very overdue housework. All I actually did was the ironing. And a bit more of the novel. I’m now at 64,309 words.