Dratted tom cat.

A tom cat left his calling card at our front door. (This is a bit odd because both our queen cats have been speyed and shouldn’t have the pheremones to attract toms, but of course the smell the tom left is unmistakable.) I tried chucking a bucket of water at it, which reduced the smell but nowhere near enough. So just when I thought I was catching up after flu…

March 13, 2007

Some energy at last

March 11, 2007

One reason there haven’t been many blogs lately is that I’ve been exhausted. After the recurring flu came the recurring flat batteries. Today at last, I’ve got a touch of the fidgets. Insteaed of pushing myself to acheive a bit of carefully-selected-something, I actually want to tackle things. It probably won’t last long, but it’s awfully nice while it does. And my page of Carnival photos are finally up at…


Aunties in their Panties

I had the most surreal dream last night. Two of my friends were doing a TV program, “Aunties in their Panties”. (You have to say it with a northern accent so it rhymes.) Now these friends are large ladies, more seaside postcard than Barbie doll if you follow me. And there they were, in their new house, the one that needs all the building work. Helen showed off her new…

March 9, 2007


Well, my friends have a house now, and I have a hangover. On Friday, my friend Norma came over to look after Julio, who had the tail end of the flu. (Thanks, Norma!) Then I set off to Los Llanos with my friends. Of course we had to park about half a mile away, which wouldn’t normally be a problem, but I’ve had the flu too, and I’ve got rather…

March 3, 2007