Month: May 2017
Squee Sunday: Dancing Spiders
OK, so spiders aren’t everybody’s favourite, but unless you’re actually phobic these are amazing to watch. You can read more about them and the researcher who filmed them here. And if you are phobic, my apologies. I thought the title would give sufficient warning, but if you’re reading this, it obviously didn’t work.
Radio Silence
Sorry I’ve been so quiet I’ve been: revising for German exams Sitting German exams translating at Transvulcania . fighting off a lurgy. Yesterday was the oral exam, and it went much better than I feared, so I’m pretty confident that I’ve passed the course exams and I can move on to Intermediate German next year. I thought “certificacion” on June 5th meant that they’d hand me a certificate for this….
Squee Sunday: Babies laughing at dogs.
There isn’t much cuter than a baby. Oh wait – there’s babies laughing. This is a repeat from a year ago, because I’m busy studying for my German exams.
The Dodo Dragon and other stories
“The Dodo Dragon and other stories” (Science Fiction). Nine quirky SF stories from the off-beat imagination of Sheila Crosby. Chose from .mobi (for Kindle) .ePub (for iPad, Sony reader etc.) or .PDF for almost anything. Due to the changes in EU sales tax, this book is currently only available from Amazon. Amazon.comand If you want a format other than .mobi, send me an email and I’ll see what I can…