Twin Dragon Trees in Breña Alta

Twin dragon trees (Dracaena draco), Breña Alta These trees stand in Breña Alta, just off the minor road which winds over the central ridge to El Paso. They grow so close together that it’s hard to tell where on trunk ends and the other begins. Of course there’s a legend associated with the trees. Two brothers lived nearby, and were very close, but they fell in love with the same…

March 29, 2011

On TV tonight.

Just had TV Canarias on the phone. They say I’ll be on TV tonight at 10:30 pm in “Canarias, Mi Mundo.” With a bit of luck, they’re right this time.

March 29, 2011

Napeloen Bonepart in the Caldera de Taburiente

A couple of weeks ago, I promised more photos of the Caldera de Taburiente. At the top of the Caldera there’s a rock formation that from one angle looks distinctly like Napoleon Bonepart, or an indian. So it’s called Boniface or El Indio. This photo is taken from below the Roque de las Viñas, beside the vineyard. The best viewpoint has a lethal drop and no guard rail. It’s totally…

March 24, 2011

Busy, busy

I’ve been burning the candle both ends lately, and not for fun. I’m on a course to become a tour guide, specializing in astronomy. Of course I’ve been working as a tour guide at the observatory for a couple of years, and I love it, so the course is just what I want. The tricky part is making the time. It’s three separate weeks (on in March, one in April…

March 24, 2011

Photos of the Sardine in Los Sauces

Here are some photos of the Sardine’s funeral at Los Sauces. We arrived too late for the batucada, but we were in time for the drag queens’ performance, which was a hoot. The crowd themselves provided pretty good entertainment, too. Not everyone was in fancy dress, but there were some great costumes there. After the drag queens, it was time for the funeral procession. Most places have the sardine on…

March 21, 2011