
The journey wasn’t too bad. The flight to Tenerife was delayed half an hour, which was enough to make me nervous about the connection. But as it happened, the very moment we got to the baggage reclaim belt, our suitcases landed in front of us, so we checked in and got to the gate with 10 minutes to spare. And then the flight was about 90 minutes late. Ah well,…

July 6, 2007

Oh no!

I often find it difficult to sleep just before a trip. My brain spins with worries that I’ll forget something important. I woke at 5 am and realised that I hadn’t checked our passports. Since I wasn’t going to sleep with that hanging over me, I got up and took them out. Mine expires in 2011. Carlos’s expires in 2012. And Julio’s expired in November 2006. I stared at it,…

July 2, 2007

Mad busy

I should have organised our family holiday ages ago, but I’ve been too busy. Meanwhile, my husband went and booked the time off work. Panic stations! So we fly off to Dublin on Wednesday, to take advantage of the cheap Ryan Air flight from Tenerife. And practically all I’ve done for the last two days is make bookings. Flight from La Palma to Tenerife Flight from Tenerife to Dublin B&B…

July 1, 2007