The drive belt on the washing machine broke on Saturday lunchtime, just after the shops shut for the weekend. This left me with a load of washing to rinse by hand, which was rather a pain. Yesterday was nice. The clocks went back on Saturday night, but I just slept later and missed an hour of day rather than an hour of sleep. After a solid month of writing only…
Month: March 2008
Well if you’ve seen the other blog, you’ll have gathered that I’ve got video-editing sussed because the videos are up. The current problem is that I don’t have an audio editing programme on the PC, just on the laptop. A download yet another download – should fix it. I still feel blue and for some reason I’m tired all the time, even after a siesta. But I made the effort…
More Living Statues
This is Aladin. to my amazement, he said he’d only been practising with the glass ball for about a year, although sometimes for hours at a time. He’s from Poland originally, but now he lives in Tenerife because he’s in love with the golden Fairy. There were a couple of other living statues that did a better job of staying immobile (in my opinion) but were less interesting when they…
I’ve had a frustrating couple of days. I got an email that Leeds university are seriously considering closing down their botanic gardens. Now this sounds dumb – I don’t see how you can teach botany without plants, but then it’s no dumber than trying to do astronomy without telescopes. That’s their business. What upsets me is that those gardens were a large percentage of my father’s life’s work. The person…
My favourite of yesterdays living statues was Whiskers. I spent a lot of the morning learning how to edit video, and here’s the result.
Living Statues
This morning, Santa Cruz played host to a competition for living statues.If you haven’t seen these before. they stand completely still until you put some money in the container, and then they perform. I’ve seen a few before, but this competition brought in 16 artists from all over Europe and beyond. They’ll be back tomorrow and Saturday, from 11 am to 2 pm.And I’ll get some video up tomorrow.