Election Day

Today Spain’s holding a general election. In the red corner, we have Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, leading the Socialist Party, and in the blue corner, we have Mariano Rajoy and the Popular Party. And in the other corners, we have a whole bunch of regional parties, the Greens, and the Falange (Facists). Most residents with other EU nationalities can vote, but not the British (because the UK won’t let any…

March 9, 2008

The Franceses Bypass

March 9, 2008

My friends in Franceses have been working hard. When they first moved in, the path down beside their house was in such a bad state that Theresa fell and bashed her knee pretty hard. So they started to build steps. Then the neighbours told them in no uncertain terms that they needed planning permission. So off we went to the Town Hall. It turned out that the path was a…



My son’s been looking forward to the three-day class trip into the Caldera next week. Since he’s an only-child, it’s all the more important for him to spend time with other kids. And to be honest, I was planning the things I could do with the free time. And then his teacher called me late this morning. The trip was in danger of being cancelled, because they needed a second…

March 7, 2008

Poor Helen

Poor Helen was backing a wheelbarrow, tripped, and fell down to the next terrace – about 5ft. In the way of these things, at first she thought she’d cracked her ribs, and then she rather thought she hadn’t, so she carried on working. Then her ribcage told her this was a bad idea so she went to lie down. And getting up at lunchtime was seriously unpleasent, so they went…

March 7, 2008

Public Transport

La Palma has a rather good bus service. You can get the timetable, plus links to the ferry operators and airlines on my main site at https://sheilacrosby.com/lapalmaisland/buses/transport.php

March 4, 2008