St Maurus’s Church, Puntagorda

The first church on this site was built in the 16th century, when this was the centre of the village. Since then, the population moved uphill, leaving the church rather isolated, and the church has been rebuilt twice (the current building dates from the 19th century), and finally fell into disuse and ruin. It was replaced with a newer one, in the new centre of the village, in 1951, but…

July 24, 2008

Burnt matches

My hair colour is my own. I paid for the dye: I did the work: it’s mine! I’ve been dying it for years, because I went prematurely grey. For a long time, I used a strawberry blonde colour that was actually quite similar to my natural hair colour when I was a toddler. It looked pretty and natural. But they stopped making it. So I tried a new dye that…

July 22, 2008

The Romeria de San Antonio

A romería is a cross between a religious procession and a party. Typically, they hold a special mass and then take the statue out for several kilometres along a traditional route, followed by floats which hand out free food and wine, and lots of people, some in traditional dress, many of them singing and / or dancing. Since it’s a big event, most of them don’t happen every year. Saturday…

July 20, 2008


July 20, 2008

When I got back from developing photos, my brother-in-law who lives in the other side of the semi collared me before I got inside, and lead me to the mini-garden between the parking space and the pavement. I say “mini-garden”: it’s a triangle of ground with poor, thin soil. Having tried other things, I planted nasturtiums there, since they would survive. I love nasturtiums. Admittedly, most people here regard nasturtiums…


Cueva Bonita

Yesterday evening we finally got our boat ride to Cueva Bonita, on the Fancy II. It’s a nice little boat which holds about 30, and the crew are friendly. The light was gorgeous, and I can see exactly how Cueva Bonita (the Beautiful Cave) got it’s name. At sunset, the light comes in reflecting off the water in the most gorgeous colours. And I spent the entire three and a…

July 19, 2008

The Galileo

Up again, to do the Galileo for the first time. Nobody fainted, thank goodness. But I need to work on the timing a bit.

July 18, 2008