Plan B, Plan C, and Plan G

After my friend missed the ferry, we had a furry of looking up transport firms on the web. There’s a ferry from Tenerife on Tuesday. Plan B: she could leave here on Monday, spend the night on Tenerife, and get the ferry Tuesday night. Plan C: or get up hideously early on Tuesday and get through in one, 20-hour day. Or… All these ferries are much more expensive than the…

November 4, 2008

Too much fun, not enough sleep

My friend came over from El Hierro for the weekend. So I got my long translation job done last week, tidied up the guest room, and did some cooking in advance. She arrived Saturday lunchtime, and the fun started. We got home at about 1:30 am and carried on drinking. It must have been around that time that I said, “You think you’re weird? One of my best friends is…

November 4, 2008


Yesterday this blog went off the air for a couple of hours. No, it wasn’t Halloween gremlins – I ran out of bandwidth because so many of you have been reading it. What a very nice problem to have. Thank you! I talked to my hosting service,, and they upgraded their SoHo pack to have extra bandwidth, and extra disk space. (All those photos have to be stored somewhere.)…

November 1, 2008