Peter Hermans

Abstract garden sculpture, by Peter Hermans Peter Hermans is a Dutch artist and sculptor currently living in Puntagorda. After studying at the Stads Academie Maastricht, in the Netherlands, and then at the Toronto College of Art, in Canada, he sold several of his sculptures to the governments of Holland, Canada, and the USA. Wall plaque, by Peter Hermans Then in 2006, while he was in Italy, disaster struck. Peter had…

March 16, 2009

I’m in Print Again!

Escape Velocity Issue 4 is out, and it includes my story “Zuggy Zu and the Humans” along with nine others, an interview with Stefan Arngrim from the Irwin Allen TV series Land of the Giants and photo features on ‘Flight of the Phoenix – The University of Arizona Goes to Mars’ and many historical photos from the infamous NASA ‘G.R.I.N’ files. I’m really looking forward to my contributor’s copy. You…

March 16, 2009

Ruido Fiesta 9

This is 6€ for two bands, a beer, and a magazine (in Spanish), and Ruido fiestas are always a good night out. Here’s a video of the last Ruido fiesta. The drummer at the start will be there on Friday.

March 12, 2009

Rescheduled Sardine’s Funerals

It poured with rain last Friday, so Los Sauces have rescheduled their sardine’s funeral to Saturday 14th at 9:30 pm. This is a pity, because now it clashes with Barlovento’s sardine’s funeral, at 10:30 pm the same night.

March 11, 2009

International Woman’s Day

March 10, 2009

March 8th was International Woman’s Day, and I was too busy to blog. Worldwide, women do about 2/3 of the work, get 10% of the wages, and own 1% of the land. Of course the places which treat women worst are precisely the ones that wouldn’t dream of celebrating women´s day. Places where women get jailed, or even stoned, for having been raped. Places where their life is legally worth…


The Cistercian Convent

The Cistercian convent of the Holy Trinity at Buenavista in Breña Alta is surprisingly new. It was founded in 1946, and it’s the only closed order on the island. I was surprised to find out that there are only ten nuns who live there. The convent has a small shop. I first went there about ten years ago, in search of a rosary made of dragon-tree seeds, for a Catholic…

March 8, 2009