Travel Between the Canary Islands

Perhaps surprisingly, flights are not necessarily the fastest way to travel between islands. Certainly they are if you want to go to Santa Cruz de Tenerife: there are 17 flights a day, and they take about 30 minutes. But if you want to go from one small island to another, say La Palma to El Hierro, then that means two flights. By the time you’ve checked in, flown to Tenerife,…

January 16, 2010

It gets better!

My story, “The Dodo Dragon” will appear in the anthology “War of the Worlds: Frontlines” by Northern Frights publishing some time this year. I’m going to try for 100 submissions this year. Four down, 96 to go.

January 16, 2010

La Palma’s Museum

The entrance to the island’s museum, beside the church of San Francisco. The Island’s Museum is in the old convent of San Francisco. The building itself is lovely. It dates from the early 16th century; work started in 1508, just fifteen years after the Spanish conquest. (Forty years ago, it was the technical school, and my husband studied there. It certainly looks better than the concrete box I studied in.)…

January 13, 2010

In Spain, the Three Kings bring the kids their presents on the morning of January 6th. And the stinking cold turned into flu at midday on the 5th. It was so bad that I decided that a) I couldn’t drive safely, and therefore b) the Kings weren’t getting any more help from me. I collapsed into bed with the usual aching joints and head I wish I’d thought to take…

January 9, 2010

Landslides in Fuencaliente, La Palma

One of the landslides in Fuencaliente Just before Christmas we had two winter storms back-to-back. It was a pain, but for most of the island, it was just wet and windy. Things were worse in Fuencaliente. Because a forest fire damaged much of the forest and farmland, ther were far fewer roots to hold the soil in place. So the heavy rains caused numerous landslides. Nobody was hurt, but some…

January 9, 2010