A Carnival costume

March 7, 2011

My son fancied a Ghostbusters costume for Carnival. We borrowed a backpack sulphur duster, which I cleaned out on Thursday, and I bought white overalls (which my husband can use later). On Thursday evening, my husband and son sprayed the backpack black, while I got a Ghostbusters logo off the internet and ironed two copies of it onto the overalls, and printed another two onto sticky labels to go on…


Carnival programme for Monday and Tuesday: Santa Cruz and Los Llanos

Monday 7th March Santa Cruz de la Palma Los Indianos For most people, this is the big event. Many poor Palmerans emigrated to Cuba and Venezuela. This fiesta celebrates the ones who came home rich. Everybody dresses in white, some have suitcases full of monopoly money, and it’s a giant talc-throwing fight. You can see the timetable at http://www.transporteslapalma.com/transportes/Mapas/Indianos2011.pdf 10:00 h. Waiting for the return of the emigrants in the…

March 6, 2011

Carnival on La Palma

Carnival is a big deal in La Palma. By now we’re all fed up with the (relatively) cold, wet weather and ready for some fun. Carnival is just what we need: an explosion of colour and music with a dash of lunacy before Lent. I always say people are making sure they have something really juicy to repent, but these days most people just regard it as a darn good…

March 4, 2011

Filming, part 3: The road to the Roque

Wednesday was the last day of filming, but would be the first to be broadcast. I set off a little early, so I’d have time for a relaxing coffee at the residencia, the observatory’s private hotel, before meeting the film crew. In Velhoco, I had to swerve around a dog lying on the road. I ahd a bad feeling about it, so I parked, and went back to look. The…

March 3, 2011

Filming part 4: The observatory

I arrived feeling very upset (see previous episode), but I had to calm myself down and get on with it. I had to get to the heliport by 11:45 to meet a group of tourists, and there was a lot of filming to do before then. Luckily, several people people were kind and helped me pull myself together. So we filmed in the residencia for a bit. Then the TV…

March 3, 2011