No Problem

So my husband came home and pointed out that we already knew that the car’s spark plugs were about due for replacement.  Probably the warning light meant that we were using petrol like a Hummer – clearly not good, but I could get to work OK.  He poked around under the bonnet, tweaked the spark plugs, and disconnected the battery and reconnected it.  The warning light went off, and stayed…

December 13, 2011


I was on my way to yoga when a warning light started flashing on the car’s dashboard – an orange engine.  Well, I was nearly there, so I got there, parked, turned the engine off, and turned it back on again.  It didn’t flash any more, but it was still lit. Eek. There was nothing I could do about it for the moment, so I went to yoga anyway.  The…

December 12, 2011

At last – it’s registered.

Woohoo.I’ve been trying since early in the year to get my English university degree (in Mech Eng) registered in Spain.  And today I got a registered letter to say that it’s finally done!  So at long last I can now apply for jobs where you need a degree. Getting it registered took about a third as long as getting the actual degree.

December 12, 2011

Warp speed 1

International cards posted.  Decorations up (my husband fixed the tree, if not the humans).  Rush proof-reading job half done. The house is still a mess, but I might well do a bit more writing first anyway, because my priorities are somewhat eccentric.

December 11, 2011

La Palma’s Telescopes and the Nobel Prize

    The 2011 Nobel Prize for Physics has been awarded to the Supernova Cosmology Project, which used distant supernova to measure the expansion of the universe, and prove that the expansion is accelerating. The Supernova Cosmology Project was a big job, and it has 32 co-authors, including M. Pilar Ruiz Lapuente from the University of Barcelona, who  contributed observations from the William Herschel Telescope and the Isaac Newton Telescope, both at…

December 10, 2011

Nativity Scenes in the Canaries

Christmas trees are a newish thing here, although probably most houses have one now. The main traditional decoration is nativity scenes. Some just show the stable, but some public ones are so elaborate that they include the whole village, and it’s always a Canarian village. Obviously that’s historically inaccurate, but no more so than all the English nativity scenes where Mary and Jesus are blond. This one was on display…

December 10, 2011