A Scenic Route

Los Llanos del Jable, with El Paso behind The main roads on La Palma form a rough figure 8, with the main east-west road being the LP2 from Santa Cruz to Los Llanos, through the tunnel. But whenever I’ve got time, I like to take the scenic route, the LP203. This winds up through the heather and bayberry forest, past the astronomical viewpoint at Llano de la Venta then pine…

September 21, 2012

Little Peppers

September 16, 2012

I’ve been given lots and lots of tiny, orange peppers.  They’re very pretty, but it’s probably going to take me a while to wash them, remove stalks and seeds, and either freeze or make soup.



September 13, 2012

I hadn’t really got the house straight after out holidays when I had to drop everything and help my son study for his resit exams.  It was well worth it though.  He passed them both. So then I had to drop everything and get him registered at the Art School. And I’m happy to say that I’ve had several guiding jobs as well. All of which means that progress on the book…


Fireball seen on Jupiter

Early on Monday 10th September, amateur astronomer Dan Peterson spotted a fireball on Jupiter. Another astronomer, George Hall, checked his videos and found that he’d caught it on camera. The fireball was probably a small comet slamming into the giant planet. Temprano el lunes 10 de septiembre, el astrónomo aficionado Dan Peterson vio una bola de fuego en Júpiter. Otro astrónomo, George Hall, comprobó sus videos y descubrió que había…

September 13, 2012

White sands beach

Salermera from the road above: the beach is in the inlet at the right. La Palma has lots of little beaches tucked away here and there, like Salemera. You take the main road from the airport to Fuencaliente, and just south of Mazo, follow the marked turning off. After four twisty kilometres, you wind up at the little village. It’s easy to park. The beach itself is tiny, but very…

September 9, 2012