What to pack

The climate on La Palma is a lot less predictable than it used to be. In any case, at this time of year, the weather’s very changeable. It’s not like Ireland – if you don’t like the weather just wait five minute and it’ll change – but half an hour ago it was pouring, and now it’s just cloudy. So do bring the waterproofs if you’re planning to go walking. Bring good…

March 7, 2013

A storm

La PAlma’s been on red-alert for winds and rain. The worst of the storm seems to be over, although we’re still getting strong gusts of wind and intermittent heavy rain. Schools were closed today, and we’re waiting for word on whether there’ll be open tomorrow. Yoga was cancelled. The cats’ paws out at sea are almost back to normal size again. This morning they were more like tigers’ paws. But…

March 4, 2013

Portuguese Men o’ War

A Portuguese Man O’ War (Physalia physalis), isn’t a jellyfish, but it looks a lot like one. It’s actually something called a siphonophore,and it’s a collection of tiny animals living together. Another difference from jellyfish is that it’s got a gas-filled bag so that it floats. You occasionally see lots of the washed up on the beach after a storm. They can be blue, purple, pink or mauve, and they…

March 2, 2013

Wind and Wuthering

There’s some serious weather heading our way. The Canary islands are at the bottom of that map, but it still doesn’t look good. The Sardine’s funeral that was supposed to take place tonight in El Llanito has been cancelled or postponed. I hear rumours that the Sardine’s funeral in Barlovento has been postponed too. Tomorrow’s guided tour around the observatory has definitely been cancelled. (I was due to be the…

March 1, 2013


March 1, 2013

I dropped my son off at his friend’s house higher up the mountain, and decided to pop in and see a friend on the way home. As I braked and turned into my friend’s driveway, the lady driving behind me failed to see my indicator (I’m sure I was indicating – I could hear it ticking) so she moved to overtake. CRUNCH! I’m sorry to say that we had a…