An hono(u)rable mention

I’ve just won an hono(u)rable mention in On The Premises’ Mini-Contest #22 for micro-fiction.I have to admit that the winning entry is much better than mine! But it’s a nice start to the year.

January 5, 2014

Snow and ice

People associate the Canary Islands with sunshine for good reason. But the Canary Islands at beach level is one thing, and the Canary Islands at 8,000 ft (2,400 m) is another. In the middle of winter, Mt Teide often has snow, and the top of La Palma can have snow and ice too.

January 1, 2014

Happy 2014

I hope you had a good time last night, and I hope 2014 brings you whatever you most hope for. New year is a big thing in Spain. Many people dress up – I mean really dress up, as though they were going to the opera at Covent Garden. Traditionally, lots of people eat out, although I suspect there’ll be less of that this year. At midnight, people traditionally eat…

January 1, 2014