Stories for Children set on La Palma

Copies of “The Seer’s Stone” have arrived, and the book is now on sale from our product page, and from three shops in Los Cancajos. It should be available elsewhere soon. Twelve adventures under La Palma’s amazing starry sky. Take a journey through La Palma’s turbulent past, into its present and out into the exciting future. Chedey will tell you how his world collapsed when the Spanish conquered the Island…

March 13, 2014

Our Solar System, to scale

Josh Worth has created what he calls a “tediously accurate scale model of the Solar System: If the moon were only 1 pixel There’s lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of empty space out there. Josh Worth ha creado lo que él llama un modelo de “escala tediosamente exacta del Sistema Solar: Si la luna…

March 8, 2014

Pillow lava

Pillow lava is formed underwater, on the sea-bed. When the lava comes out and hits the sea water, the outside cools and freezes pretty much immediately, while the inside keeps on flowing. That means that it forms tube, which lengthens and widens until the pressure at the inlet end breaks open the tube and starts a new one. So you get the tubes interlocking. This is how La Palma grew…

March 7, 2014

Palmeran Sow Thistles (Sonchus palmensis)

Sow thistles look rather like a dandelion gone balistic. That is, the individual flowers look much like dandelions, but they’re growing on a shrub anything up to 2 m (6 ft) tall. And now they’re flowing all over the island, especially on the east, up to about 1,000 ft. Like so many other plants here, La Palma has a different species from everywhere else – Sonchus palmensis. The local names…

March 4, 2014