Thirsty Ravens

Raven drinking water from a bottle top with the telescopes of the Roque de Los Muchachos behind
September 9, 2015

After tour guiding yesterday I went up to the Roque hoping for a chat with the ravens. They turned up all right, but they didn’t seem as interested as usual in the biscuits on offer. It turned out that they were really thirsty. I was rather surprised, because birds have such good kidneys that they need very little water. In any case, there’s a water tap with a little pool…


Starting writing again

August was so busy that I had to stop writing, and then I had to catch up with housework (at least sorta kinda catch up) before my son’s birthday party. But now most of the really urgent stuff has been done, and I can start work on the novel again. And in a burst of unusually nice timing, I have some information I can use. I realised a while ago…

September 6, 2015


On Tuesday I went to Tenerife with my son for an appointment. The day went really well until we tried to buy a video game in El Corte Ingles. Slow serivice meant that we missed our bus to the airport and had to take a taxi (I can think of better things to do with 15€). Worse, my son forgot his phone in the taxi. Worse still, it was in…

September 3, 2015