Off to England

Tomorrow morning I’m going to England for a week, to see family. The outward journey is going to be a pain: La Palma to Gran Canaria to Tenerife South to Manchester, followed by a couple of hours in a car. On Wednesday I’m going to spend most of the day driving from one set of relatives to another. On Friday afternoon I’ll drive to Gatwick and spend the night in…

March 24, 2018

Squee Sunday: ferns

Lately I’ve been fascinated by uncurling ferns here. The new shoots take all sorts of forms. I’ve seen hearts caterpillars, clenched fists, antlers and catapults. All the photos are mine.

March 18, 2018

Road closures

This morning I’m working from the residencia at the observatory. Why? Because I’m tour guiding at 11:30, but the Santa Cruz road is closed for road works from 9 am – 1 pm (and again from 4 pm – 8 pm, although that won’t affect me.) I chose to leave home very early and work on my laptop rather than drive for an extra hour. As I drove through them…

March 13, 2018

I’m on Strike

March 8, 2018

Well this is a novelty. I don’t believe I’ve ever been on strike before. I wasn’t going to join the strike because I’m self employed. Then a friend pointed out that the people who most need to strike, who most need things to change, are the very women who find it impossible to strike. So I’m striking for them – rather self-consciously to be honest. In Spain, some striking women…