This is an anthology of children’s stories set on La Palma, all over the island and at times from 1493 to the near future. The paperback book is available in English and Spanish. (148 pages, A5)
Take a journey through La Palma’s turbulent past, into its present and out into the exciting future. Chedey will tell you how his world collapsed when the Spanish conquered the Island in 1493, Althay will explain what happened when the volcano erupted, Daida shares her visit from an extraterrestrial and Leyre will take you out into space.
As you travel you’ll learn what happens when:
- Everyone expects you to tell the future but you don’t know how,
- You don’t know when you have to save your friend, or how,
- Most people think the world will end on Wednesday night,
- There’s no more exploring left to do,
- You find the lost island of San Borondón,
- His Lordship decides you’d make good dragon-food,
- Pirates want to sell you as a slave,
- The volcano erupts,
- Aliens kidnap you, or try to save the world, or get lost on their way to Las Palmas,
- You get lots of weird birthday presents from people who don’t normally give you anything.
Cover painting and 14 B&W illustrations by Jorge Beda and Mercedes Martín.
Sheila Crosby is originally from Leeds, but she lives in the Canary Islands, just off the North West coast of Africa. She caught the writing bug at high school, and she still hasn’t found a cure. Over the years, she’s sold over fifty stories, plus a handful of articles. “The Seer’s Stone” is her second anthology of fiction.
You can buy either book direct from the author at Dragon Tree Publishing or at bookshops and tourist shops around the island. (Although the Spanish books have only just arrived, and may take a while to distribute.)