Working with Japanese TV

February 13, 2020

  I had two days of fun work with the Japanese Broadcasting Corporation. They’re making a program on Gamma Ray Bursts, but while they were here they wanted some historical stuff too. We filmed at the INT and WHT but also at an archeological site that marks the summer solstice and behind the JKT where the first British site testers mounted a telescope. As I say, it was fun. They…


Sunday Photos: The road to the observatory

February 9, 2020

These photos were taken on the way down fromthe observatory on Saturday.   In other news, I finished the writing for the guide book on February 2nd. Getting an ISBN was a bit fraught because I only do this about once every 5 years and the process is full of Spanish technical terms like “paperback and “perfect bound”, but it’s done. Now I’m wading through the proof reading. It’s a…


Sunday photos: Ice at the observatory

January 26, 2020

On Thursday it was icy up at the observatory. There were ice flowers on the car windows outside the residencia, ice on the bushes and ice on the grass. In other news, I think I’ll finish writing the guide book by the end of the month. There’ll still be layout and proofs and the Spanish version, but finishing the writing will feel really good.


Sunday Photo: the sun behind the LST

January 19, 2020

I needed one last photo of the MAGIC telescope for my guide book update, so I went up to the observatory just before sunset. I got what I needed for the book, and I also saw the setting sun sparkling between the segments of the Large-Sized Telescope mirror. I really hope that I’m going to finish writing the book update next week. That’ll still leave layout, proof-reading, corrections and printing,…


Sunday Photos

January 14, 2020

I went up to the Roque to get phtoos of the MAGIC telescope at sunset – hopefully the last photos for the guide book update. On the way down I stopped off at Los Andennes to photograph the Caldera. I’ve always loved the way the trees and ridges float on and outof the cloud. This time one ridge was floating above the cloud rather like a submarine surfacing. I think…