
I don’t know why people say they’ve got the flu. The flu’s got me. In steel-hard talons.

November 26, 2007

Nearly Christmas already

November 24, 2007

I spent a good bit of the afternoon asleep. Then this evening I designed the Christmas card I’m going to send out to friends. I try to get the international cards in the post on December 1st, but I rarely manage it. Only a month to Christmas, my goodness!


70,000 reasons to celebrate

November 24, 2007

I promised myself I’d get the novel up to 70,000 words before I stopped for Christmas, and I did.So last night I went out with my friends to celebrate. We found a new restaurant in town that was very good, and stayed until about midnight. This morning I feel a bit rough, but I made a rum cake, mostly as an excuse to put the candles on. If I don’t…



November 21, 2007

It’s been raining a lot lately. Yesterday the Classroom assistants had a meeting in Santa Cruz, so I decided to do my errands in town and see my old collegues when they broke for coffee. In spite of the Canaries’s reputation for endless sunshine, it poured. The first thing I bought was an umbrella. Then I had breakfast and went to the bank. I met Helen, who was also in…


The Basic Qualification for Writers

An email friend pointed me at an article at http://www.fundsforwriters.com/ “In essence, 77% of UK readers reread books they like. Compare that to the US where the average reader only reads four books a year, and one of every four Americans admits to not reading anything in the last year. They don’t just read UK material, either. The list of the most reread books follows the article to include many…

November 19, 2007


Life’s been rather boring lately. All I seem to do is work: if it’s not the novel, it’s polishing a guide for the Tourist Office or – horror of horrors – housework. But last night I went to a belated San Martin party. They promised me that some of the chestnuts had maggots, but I only found one. It wasn’t a particularly exciting party, but the company was good and…

November 18, 2007