Scan Results

June 14, 2022

I finally got my results from my CAT scan at the end of May. All clear, nothing nasty. I hadn’t noticed that I’d been hunching my shoulders until I got the news and they dropped. I’ve got three new articles on this year which I’ve never mentioned. Why I Give My Pronouns It’s only a small thing There is no such thing as a cat Who Gives Medical Treatment…


My Hair’s Back!

June 12, 2022

My hair is coming back! I didn’t believe it at first because the Internet says 3-6 months and I only finished chemo 6 weeks ago. I thought the fuzz on my head was left over from cutting off the remains of my hair, but it’s far too thick for that, and it’s all the same length, about 2 mm. I couldn’t have got it that close and even with scissors….


Visiting Santa Cruz

May 8, 2022

I got out. I actually got out! My friend Petra took me to Santa Cruz and pushed me for miles. I had to cover up to avoid the sun, but my goodness it was fun after seeing so much of my living room.


Four Planets At Once

May 8, 2022

I woke up early and went out onto the balcony to see whether or not it was cloudy. As you can see, there certainly were clouds, just not in front of the planets. It’s really hard to fetch a camera bag and a tripod when you need a walker. It’s even harder to set up the tripod when you have to sit down to do it, and hardest of all…


No more chemotherapy

May 3, 2022

No more chemotherapy ever! Well. No more chemotherapy unless/until I get bad news from a scan, which might never happen, although it was a shock when the doctor told me that my central line would stay in place as a precautionary measure, for at least two years. In any case, I can’t do anything about it except for eating well, so I shall waste as little energy on it as…


An Overdue Explanation, part 3

Me, in a red hat, smiling
April 23, 2022

Part 1 of this explanation is here Part 2 of this explanation is here I woke up from my operation with one leg. The anaesthetist told me that the two surgeons tried from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm to save my right leg, but the tumour was too far advanced. So then they had to spend another three hours to amputate at the hip. I later found that I have…