• The Seer’s Stone
  • The Dodo Dragon and other stories
  • About Sheila Crosby
  • A Breathtaking Window on the Universe

Opinions, Please

I’ve been publishing this blog over for a year, and the readership has steadily grown. Thank you. It’s wonderful to feel that I’m not just talking to myself. But I think it’s high time I got to know you a bit better. Please take a moment to take part in the poll at the top of the sidebar to the right. And if you want something completely different, feel free…


World Book Day

April 23rd is world book day. On La Palma, the celebrations go on all week. Both Santa Cruz and Los Llanos have book stalls out in the street. Last year, they had a 10% discount, although most of the books were in Spanish. Since I’m a book-a-holic, I loved it. This year, they’re having events to encourage people to come. Amoung other things, Callou (from the TV series) will be…


The Olive Branch

I had a row with friends (with faults on both sides, of course) and somehow I managed to give the impression that I was annoyed with them in general, rather than annoyed about one thing. So they came to my house with the nearest they could get to an olive branch. Yup, that’s a tin of olives on the end. Even if I’d been really mad, that was irrisistable. So…


Great Photos, shame about the comments

I just discovered http://photosthatchangedtheworld.com/, which features memorable news photos. Some of them I remember seeing before. Some are very upsetting, but all are worth seeing. I hadn’t heard of Emmett Till before. As a 14-year-old he went from Chicago to visit relatives in Mississippi, and while he was there he whistled at a shop girl. He was black. She was white. This was 1955. Three days later, two men took…


This is crazy!

I must be MAD! Stark raving bonkers! Thick as four short planks. At least 64k short of a megabyte. Nuttier than a whole warehouse of fruitcakes. But then what would you expect from someone who has conversations with imaginary, genetically-modified hamsters? I’ve started a blog on El Hierro at http://elhierro.sheilacrosby.com/. This is ridiculous, because I have absolutely no time at all to update it. Mind you, I’m not promising to…


Good things come in Threes

Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine are hanging onto my story for round three of their selection process. Of course this doesn’t guarantee that they’ll buy it, but as far as it goes, it’s very encouraging. My story “Thrice upon a Time” has been accepted by Afterburn SF for their December 2009 issue, and “Designer Genes” is now up at Alien Skin. I’d better do some more writing, or I’ll have nothing…