• The Seer’s Stone
  • The Dodo Dragon and other stories
  • About Sheila Crosby
  • A Breathtaking Window on the Universe

Good Healthy Exercise

My friend N moved house today. This isn’t relaxingat the best of times, but this was harder work than usual, because she had a house ten minutes walk along a rough path from the nearest parking space. It’s times like that when it’s good to have friends, and there were five of us, including Helen and Theresa who brought their van. Thank goodness that included two blokes, because I really…


Canary Day is Coming

Friday is Canary Day. It’s a big thing here, and the celebrations have started already. On Wednesday evening they had bouncy castles in the port car park. This was shortly followed by a foam machine. The kids loved it. My son was so delighted that he dived in with all his clothes on. I’d have been seriously tempted to join in except that I had my expensive camera with me….


The Great Underpants Emergency

Early tomorrow morning my son goes on his end-of-primary-school trip. He’s going to Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, Fuertaventura, La Graciosa, and Tenerife – all in 12 days. He should have a great time. (He’d better! It’s good value for money, but it’s still not cheap.) The trouble is, he doesn’t have all that many clothes because he grows out of things in three months. And this trip means he’ll be away…


Canary Day

Friday is Canary Day. It’s a big thing here, and the celebrations have started already. Early this evening, I went into town with my son to sort out some paperwork and a birthday present, and we found they had bouncy castles in the port car park. So of course we stayed for a while. We were both wondering what the nozzle was for. And then they started squirting foam out…


Scratch Photo Studio

It’s getting busy around here. On Friday, my son leaves on a 12-day trip round four of the Canary Islands to mark the end of primary school. Since he’s just grown out of all his clothes again, this meant a frantic shopping spree. And since he doesn’t have all that many clothes that fit him, the ones he’¡s got all have to be washed and ironed. Last night we took…