Pi Day

March 15, 2017

If you write the 14th of March American style, you get 3.14, so American geeks call it “Pi Day” and generally celebrate by eating pie. This strikes me as silly and arbitrary an excuse to eat pie. So of course we celebrate it. I don’t cook pie often because pastry is a bit of a faff on and cleaning up afterwards is worse. One of the few exceptions is Pi…


My UK Trip

Sheila Crosby, glammed up to give a presentation
June 9, 2015

My trip to the UK went very well. We didn’t get to the hotel until late Wednesday night, but it’s posh. Most of the group were mad keen to go explore London on our free morning, but I went in search of makeup for redheads (successfully) and then went to the National Gallery which was largely shut due to industrial action. Apparently they have new management who want everyone to…