Star Party in Brena Baja on Friday

Full moon. Photo by Luc Viatour /
August 29, 2012

Friday 31st is a full moon.  It’s also the second full moon in August, which makes it a blue moon. There will be a Star Party on Friday 31st in La Polvacera, Breña Baja. It starts with a talk (in Spanish) from 6-7 pm The astronomical observation runs from 7-11:30 pm in the basketball court.  If you’ve got a telescope, please bring it along.  If not, come and look through someone…


The Perseid Meteor Shower

The Perseids are usually the best meteor shower of the year. The peak will be on Sunday, with perhaps as many as 100 shooting stars per hour (although any meteor shower is best after midnight). In Spain, this shower is known as las lagrimas de San Lorenzo (the tears of St Lawrence) because it happens near the feast day of St. Lawrence the martyr. Fuencaliente town hall and island’s government…

August 9, 2012

Forest fires

August 5, 2012

La Palma has another forest fire, just south of Mazo. La Gomera has a forest fire burning the national park at Garajoney. Animals have been burnt alive and people have been evacuated (although I don’t think anyone’s lost their home yet.)


Free Astronomy Activities in Puntallana

On Wednesday August 1st there will be free astronomical activities in Puntallana. At 4:30 pm you’ll have the chance to see the sun safely outside the Casa de Cultura. At 6 pm there’s a talk in planets inside the Casa de Cultura. And at 9:30 pm there’s a chance too see stars at the Salto de Enamorado viewpoint (near San Bartomome’s church.) Come and have fun!

July 30, 2012

Happy Birthday to Gran Telescopio Canarias

GTC at sunset, Roque de Los Muchachos, La Palma
July 25, 2012

Gran Telescopio Canarias (Big Canarian Telescope) also known as GranTeCan or GTC was inaugurated on July 24th 2009. It’s the largest optical an infrared telescope in the world, with a segmented main mirror 10.4 m acros which gathers as much light as four million human eyes. The top of the dome is 41 m above the ground. GTC is owned 5% by the university of Mexico, 5% by the university…


The moon, Jupiter and Venus

Jupiter, the moon and Venus photographed from La Venta viewpoint, La Palma
July 15, 2012

  This morning, the moon, Jupiter and Venus lay close together in the east. This photo was taken with a compact camera from Llano de La Venta viewpoint, one of the astronomical viewpoints on La Palma.