Where the heck is La Palma anyway?

I originally came to La Palma to work at the astronomical observatory here. Almost as soon as I heard I’d got the job, my parents went to a travel agent to find out how much it would cost to visit. The girl at the desk said, “Las Palmas de Gran Canaris? Certainly Sir. I’ll just look it up for you.” “No,” explained my father. “The island of La Palma. My…

February 1, 2008


May 23, 2007

I went out to photograph the flowers beside the bus stop, opposite my house. And I wound up photographing lizards instead. This one’s male – you can tell by the blue throat patch. I’ve been working on the novel again, for the first time in months. So far all I’ve been doing is re-reading the 50,000 words I’ve written so far and taking copious notes.