Photos of La Palma by Kai Petersen

Llano del Jable, Pico Birigoyo, LA Palma. Photo: Kai Petersen
July 27, 2015

Kai Petersen has some spectacular photos of La Palma at his website:   My favourites are the night photos with stars, but he also took this lovely photo of my and my friend Nevermore on a tour of the Observatory of the Roque de Los Muchachos. The website is in German, but you don’t need words to enjoy them. I really recommend a visit, because there are 37 more!


New enormous Cherenkov telescopes

The observatory at the Roque de Los Muchachos at night. Credit: Daniel Lopez. ASCII Kolor stitching | 4 pictures | Size: 8667 x 4915 | FOV: 120.27 x 68.20 ~ 24.43 | RMS: 2.75 | Lens: Standard | Projection: Spherical | Color: LDR |
July 18, 2015

  It’s not quite a done deal, but it looks as though La Palma will be getting another 20 Chrenkov telescopes. The board of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) met on the 15th and 16th of July, and decided that their two preferred sitres are La Palma and Chile (near the Paranal observatory). Negotiations will now start with the site owners, and are expected to take 6 months. Meanwhile, they’ll…


Seeing the dwarves for free

One of La Palma's dancing dwarves, Santa Cruz
July 10, 2015

  Seeing the dwarves dance in the street is a very different experience from seeing the paid performances. The singers and dancers are very tired, because they’ve been performing all night, and they’re covered in sweat. You’re much more immersed in the experience. Ont he other hand, it’s hard to get a clear view for photos. On the other hand, you’re much, much closer to them. Near the end, people…


Sunset at the Roque

Venus (left) and Jupiter (right) over the dome of GTC, the biggerst optical telescope in the world, Roque de Los Muchachos, La Palma
July 4, 2015

  For the last few days, Venus and Jupiter have been very close together in the evening sky. I wanted to take photos on Wednesday and Thursday, but it was cloudy. I wished I’d asked to go up to the observatory, above the clouds. Lucky me, I got permission to go there on Friday evening to take photos. I’m really glad I made the effort.


My UK Trip

Sheila Crosby, glammed up to give a presentation
June 9, 2015

My trip to the UK went very well. We didn’t get to the hotel until late Wednesday night, but it’s posh. Most of the group were mad keen to go explore London on our free morning, but I went in search of makeup for redheads (successfully) and then went to the National Gallery which was largely shut due to industrial action. Apparently they have new management who want everyone to…