Weather Forecast

Well the storm’s gone, thank goodness, but there’s more rain due on Saturday and Sunday. Enjoy Friday, quick! We’ve had a lot more bad weather than usual this winter. On a happier note, there’s a children’s carnival party at La Polvacera Sports Ground, with dancing, games, art workshops and murgas. Come in fancy dress if you can, at 5 pm.

February 18, 2010

Breña Baja: The Old Butcher’s Shop

The 19th century butcher’s shop, Breña Baja, La Palma The old butcher’s shop stands on the outskirts of the village of San Jose, in Breña Baja, near the Paradorof La Palma. The building dates from the late 19th century, and it was a butcher’s shop until the 1960s. But now it’s been renovated as a craft exhibition and shop. The famous cigars of The Breñas Although the place is small,…

February 4, 2010

Cancajos Salt Pans

The wind pumps that lifted seawater into the salt pans You can visit a working salt factory on the southern tip of La Palma, but if you’re staying in Cancajos, in Breña Baja, it’s worth taking a peak at the ruined salt factory. The sea front promenade runs south from the main beach along the top of a low cliff, and it’s a very pleasant walk. It’s smooth and flat…

December 2, 2009

Stargazing in aid of Fire Victims

Wednesday night (August 12th) should be the best night of the year to see shooting stars. Shooting stars happen when the Earth passes through a cloud of dust left behind by a comet’s tail. To celebrate, the amateur astronomers on La Palma and Astrotour are holding two star parties. You’ll be able to observe the sun through a telescope (safely!) in Santa Cruz de la Palma in the Plaza España…

August 10, 2009