A storm

Well obviously it’s nothing like Sandy, but we’ve got bad weather here, with strong winds, gusting to 120 km/h on the peaks and intermittent buckets of rain. The schools are closed, the road tot eh observatory is most emphatically closed, most optional activities are cancelled and parts of the island are without power. The sea is wild, with huge walls of spray chasing catspaws. One good thing – the rain…

October 30, 2012

A storm

Update:And about 50 people who live on the edge of ravines in Mazo have been evacuated. I don’t know if the authorities are worried about flooding or landslides or both. The airport is closed. The roads into the Caldera and Los Tilos are closed, the one up to the top east-west tunnel (and the lower tunnel is bi-directional) as is the “mimbres” road – the old one around the north…

October 30, 2012

Star Party in Brena Baja on Friday

Full moon. Photo by Luc Viatour / www.Lucnix.be
August 29, 2012

Friday 31st is a full moon.  It’s also the second full moon in August, which makes it a blue moon. There will be a Star Party on Friday 31st in La Polvacera, Breña Baja. It starts with a talk (in Spanish) from 6-7 pm The astronomical observation runs from 7-11:30 pm in the basketball court.  If you’ve got a telescope, please bring it along.  If not, come and look through someone…


A Romeria for St Anthony

A romería is a cross between a religious procession and a party. Typically, they hold a special mass and then take the statue out for several kilometres along a traditional route, followed by floats which hand out free food and wine, and lots of people, some in traditional dress, many of them singing and / or dancing. Since it’s a big event, most of them don’t happen every year. Tonight…

July 21, 2012

Corpus Christi in San Jose, 2012

Corpus Christi is a smaller affair in San Jose (Breña Baja) than in Mazo, but it’s still beautiful. San Jose always celebrates Corpus Christi on the Sunday after Mazo’s celebration. Since the whole thing takes out on a flat, tarmaced street, the tradition is to make carpets of coloured salt, with the altars being much more modest. In recent years, many of the carpets are made from seeds and petals,…

June 10, 2012

Corpus Christi in San Jose

Corpus Christi is a smaller affair in San Jose (Breña Baja) than in Mazo, but it’s still beautiful. San Jose always celebrates Corpus Christi on the Sunday after Mazo’s celebration. Since the whole thing takes out on a flat, tarmaced street, the tradition is to make carpets of coloured salt, with the altars being much more modest. In recent years, many of the carpets are made from seeds and petals,…

June 10, 2012