A Blustery Day

Some people reckon that the Canaries have the best climate in the world, but right now, it’s blowing a gale out there. Yesterday was bad, and today is worse – we’ve had gusts up to force ten. The schools in Mazo, the Breñas and Santa Cruz were all shut this morning (my son was delighted, of course). The dentist didn’t open either. Since the gale is from the west, the…

April 9, 2008

Argual Flea Market

The flea market in Argual, just outside Los Llanos, takes place every Sunday from about 10 am to about 2 pm. It’s smaller than the monthly market in Santa Cruz, but it’s a much nicer situation. I think it’s been a market square for a very long time. At any rate, it’s surrounded by beautiful old buildings and has trees growing in the middle (which must be really nice on…

April 7, 2008

Fun at last

Lately it seems to have been all work and no play (except for writing just a little about my hamster secret agent every day). I’m behind with everything, and more stuff to do arrives faster than I deal with the old lot. So I felt it was urgent to recharge my batteries. I talked Helen and Theresa into visiting both flea markets today: the monthly one in Santa Cruz, and…

April 6, 2008

SuperWASP, the Planet-Hunter

Most of the telescopes at the observatory here look spectacular even from the outside. SuperWASP looks like a big garden shed. It’s the white thing at bottom left. Even when it opens up, it still doesn’t look like a professional telescope. To me, it looks more like a small missile launcher. The equipment isn’t that spectacular either. As modern telescopes go, it was built for peanuts. It has eight cameras,…

April 5, 2008

Prehistoric Rock Carvings

The people who lived here before the Spanish invasion in 1493 were called Benauaritas. Since they didn’t have writing, not all that much is known about them, and what there is comes from the invaders. Not exactly an unbiased source! Their technology was pretty basic, maybe because the climate in La Palma is kind enough not to encourage things like weaving. They wore skins, lived mostly in caves, herded goats…

April 3, 2008

Artesanía Christina

I love Christina’s shop. She started off in the local flea market, selling fancy knitting yarn in the most wonderful colours. I always wanted to buy the lot and spend the next year knitting. Now she has a shop on the Calle Real, still selling the yarn, but also finished knitware and costume jewelry which she makes herself out of local lava and coral, with silver or gold-plated silver mountings….

April 1, 2008