“The Dodo Dragon and Other Stories” is on sale

Nine quirky SF stories by Sheila Crosby (the author of this blog) to entertain you. Two of the stories are set on La Palma. On sale April 23rd 2012, and available for Kindle, iPad, Mac and PCs. Cover painting by Merche Martin Morillo Layout by Eco-geek This book currently has 4.5 stars on Amazon.com, but it’s slightly cheaper from our own products page, which also offers other electronic formats. If…

April 23, 2012

Returning my Sister’s Face

My friend and talented fellow writer, Eugie Foster has a launch party today on Facebook and LiveJournal for her collection of short stories, “Returning my Sister’s Face.” She’s part Chinese, and her stories are often set in the orient. More importantly, they tend to hang around in your subconscious long after you put the book down, which is probably why they’ve been into Greek, Hungarian, Polish, and French. She hasn’t…

March 1, 2009

The Sock Drawer

Just belatedly realised that my story’s up at Reflection’s Edge. I thought I’d missed the deadline and was going in next month. It’s a free e-zine, so head on over and enjoy.

October 2, 2008

The Mummy’s Curse

Flash Fiction Online want to buy my Feghoot, “The Mummy’s Curse” for the April 2009 issue. It’s a long wait, but a great market, so I’m chuffed. What’s a Feghoot? It’s a very short story ending in a groan-worthy pun. I’ve got three on my website: “Caught in the Oort”, “Oh Baby!” and “Conan the Librarian” The editor of Flash Fiction Online described “The Mummy’s Curse” as “pretty funny, in…

May 10, 2008

The drive belt on the washing machine broke on Saturday lunchtime, just after the shops shut for the weekend. This left me with a load of washing to rinse by hand, which was rather a pain. Yesterday was nice. The clocks went back on Saturday night, but I just slept later and missed an hour of day rather than an hour of sleep. After a solid month of writing only…

March 31, 2008

GUD magazine

I got a freebie from GUD magazine. GUD stands for Greatest Uncommon Denominator, “a print/pdf magazine with two hundred pages of literary and genre fiction, poetry, art, and articles”. I love freebies – don’t we all. In this case the freebie was a story, “Baby Edward”, and it was weird. I like weird. The baby is kipt locked up in a VW Bus in the yard, but he’s growing –…

January 31, 2008