
November 21, 2007

It’s been raining a lot lately. Yesterday the Classroom assistants had a meeting in Santa Cruz, so I decided to do my errands in town and see my old collegues when they broke for coffee. In spite of the Canaries’s reputation for endless sunshine, it poured. The first thing I bought was an umbrella. Then I had breakfast and went to the bank. I met Helen, who was also in…


The Inferior

I just finished reading “The Inferior” by Peadar Ó Guilín. I loved it. This is Peadar’s first novel, but I’ve admired his short stories for a long time. They stick in my memory them for years. Although the novel’s SF, it begins like standard fantasy dystopia, with the protagonist, Stopmouth running for his life, chased by intelligent animals who want to eat him. Then he turns back to help his…

October 28, 2007

Making some Noise

December 6, 2006

Last night I went to the inaugaral party for the island’s new cultural magazine, Ruido. My husband had hoped to go, but we couldn’t get a babysitter so he stayed home. I had a good time. There was the inevitable speech to begin with, about the magazine, its aims and the contents of the first issue. I wasn’t mentioned, so I assumed I’d been bumped into issue two. Fair enough…