Germany 0 – Spain 1

I went to see the European Championship Final with my friends in Franceses, who have a big projection TV and satellite feed. So you have to picture three large English ladies and one skinny boy rising off the sofa, punching the air and screaming “YES!” when Fernando Torres scored. And whent he final whistle went, we were all pogo-ing up and down, singing, “Olé, olé-olé-olé!”

June 30, 2008

Spain 1 – Germany 0

We’re a very happy place this Monday morning. For anyone who hasn’t heard, Spain won European Championship last night, for the first time in 44 years. From my window I can see four people at the bus stop opposite, waiting to go to work as usual. But today they have their arms around each other, jumping up and down with the people at the end punching the air, chanting, “¡España!…

June 30, 2008