Volcanoes night

On Friday 28th September is Volcanoes Night in Fuencaliente. This free event, open to everybody, offers the chance to meet volcanologists and geologists and find out what they do. Much of the program is in Spanish, but there will be 30 minute guided tours around San Antonio volcano explaining the geological history of the island with translations to English available (starting 4pm), and science cafés in the wrestling arena, starting…

September 25, 2012

Volcanoes Night September 28th

On Friday 28th September is Volcanoes Night in Fuencaliente. This free event, open to everybody, offers the chance to meet volcanologists and geologists and find out what they do. Much of the program is in Spanish, but there will be 30 minute guided tours around San Antonio volcano explaining the geological history of the island with translations to English available (starting 4pm), and science cafés in the wrestling arena, starting…

September 25, 2012

The Perseid Meteor Shower

The Perseids are usually the best meteor shower of the year. The peak will be on Sunday, with perhaps as many as 100 shooting stars per hour (although any meteor shower is best after midnight). In Spain, this shower is known as las lagrimas de San Lorenzo (the tears of St Lawrence) because it happens near the feast day of St. Lawrence the martyr. Fuencaliente town hall and island’s government…

August 9, 2012

Fire in Mazo

[UPDATE 11 PM: People will soon be able to go back to their houses in Tigalate and Tiguerote, but the authorities are planning the evacuation of Montes de Luna.] We have another fire, in Mazo, near La Sabina.  One front is burning uphill, pushed by 35 km/h winds.  The other is heading for Fuencaliente. About 70 people have been evacuated from the villages of Tigalate and Tiguerote. The road is…

August 4, 2012

Star Quality Malvasia Wine – heaven in a glass

Malvasia is a white dessert wine from the south of La Palma. It’s too sweet to drink with fish (or to drink like a fish). In fact it’s similar to Maderia or a sweet sherry – more something you’d have at the very end of a meal with the local sweet almond biscuits. In Shakespear’s day Malvasia wine was known as Malmsey, and it was very popular indeed. In the…

April 16, 2012

Ultrabike 2012

On Saturday April 6th, La Palma will host an extreme bike race called Ultrabike. Actually, there are two races, a short one of 34 km and a long one of 110 km. Both routes go through gorgeous scenery in the south of the island, and both involve lots of climbing. For example, the high point of the long ride is 1,575 m above sea-level, but the total climbs add up…

March 29, 2012