November Rainbow Gathering

According to wikipedia, a rainbow gathering is “a temporary intentional community, typically held in an outdoor setting, espousing and practicing ideals of peace, love, harmony, freedom and community, as a consciously expressed alternative to mainstream popular culture, consumerism, capitalism and mass media.” And we have one on a beach in Garafia about now. “The dates are from new moon of November to the new moon of December.” I believe that…

November 26, 2008

On Top of the World

Looking east towards Tenerife. The highest point of the island is the Roque de Los Muchachos, at 2,426m (8,000 ft) above sea level. Most days of the year, the view is spectacular. Even when it’s raining at sea-level, the summit is nearly always above the clouds. In fact, you can often look down on a sea of clouds surrounding the island. Of course that’s one reason why the observatory is…

June 27, 2008

Flags Galore

You see a lot of flags on La Palma. Most English visitors will recognise the flags of Spain and the European Union. But the Canary Islands are an autonomous region within Spain, and they have their own flag too. You see it a lot, especially around May 30th, which is Canary Day. And then each island has its own flag. Here’s the flag of La Palma: And as if that…

June 16, 2008

And yet more driving

May 22, 2008

Yesterday N went to see her car insurance firm. Yes, the policy includes a tow truck. Yay! But the truck would come from the other side of the island so she couldn’t travel with it. On the plus side, they should get to the car half an hour after she phoned. So off we went back to Garafía, yet again. We phoned the insurance firm while we were stuck in…


Lots of driving

On Monday I caught up with housework and got three submissions out of the door. I felt pretty pleased with that. On Tuesday morning I went off to Santa Domingo Town Hall with Helen, to get back their 600€ bail for the Franceses Motorway. Normally getting back in time to collect my son from school is rather tight, so I was delighted when we were invited to Lou’s for lunch….

May 22, 2008

How to Drive Quickly Across Garafía

Don’t. You can’t. And it’s dangerous to try. And anyway, you’re on holiday, aren’t you? Relax, take it slow, and enjoy the spectacular scenery. After all, that lovely scenery is the reason for the twisty roads. And if you get stuck behind an old man driving at 30 km/h, count yourself lucky. I seem to get constantly stuck behind one who drives at 25 km/h.

May 20, 2008