
I’ve been having major dentistry. On Monday the dentist took molds of my mouth, ground down two of my back teeth ready for crowns, and took molds of the left over stumps. It didn’t hurt, but it took two hours and afterwards my teeth were very sensitive to hot or cold and I could only chew on the left.  It made for a very boring diet of soft, lukewarm food…

July 15, 2016


I still seem to be tired all the time, and I’m getting very little done. Even my blog posts are getting shorter.

July 28, 2011

New Year Goals

Christmas is finally over, so I suppose it’s time for New Year resolutions. Every year for about ten years, I’ve resolved to lose weight. And every year I get heavier. So it’s time to try something different. Last year I tried a new approach to writing fiction, and it worked really well. I set myself a daily quota, and once that was achieved I relaxed and gave myself permission to…

January 9, 2009