
March 20, 2009

After an colder-than-average winter, the temperatures here have shot up. This happens whenever the trade winds give way to calima – a hot, dry wind and dust blowing from the Sahara. We used to get it only in summer, but for the last few years it’s been happening earlier in the year. Actually, it’s really nice at this time of year. Suddenly it’s warm enough to sit on the beach,…


The Cistercian Convent

The Cistercian convent of the Holy Trinity at Buenavista in Breña Alta is surprisingly new. It was founded in 1946, and it’s the only closed order on the island. I was surprised to find out that there are only ten nuns who live there. The convent has a small shop. I first went there about ten years ago, in search of a rosary made of dragon-tree seeds, for a Catholic…

March 8, 2009

A Whole Shoal of Sardines

Carnival is officially over in most places, but if you missed the Sardine’s funeral in Santa Cruz and Los Llanos, you still have four chances to pay your last respects. Puntallana hold their sardine’s funeral tonight at 10 pm, and the little village of Los Galguitos in San Andres y Sauces holds theirs tonight too, but I haven’t been able to find out when. Los Sauces hold theirs tomorrow (Saturday)…

March 6, 2009


Yay! It’s carnival, and I get sometime off for fun. (Actually I had to take time off work, because my son’s off school, but I felt overdue for a break anyway.) So the house is a little tidier, and I’ve finally sent off photos I promised to send weeks ago, and I’ve mended stuff that’s been broken for over a month. And I got to see the kids’ parade and…

February 24, 2009

Los Indianos

One minutes our of a whole night’s partying. As usual, the little kids are the cutest. Sometimes the talc can get a bit much. I wonder why I never thought of this solution?

February 24, 2009

Canival programme during the week

Santa Cruz de La PalmaMonday, 23rd February LOS INDIANOS – the main event for most people. At one time many Palmerans left the island in search of a better life in the Caribean. Los Indianos celebratesthose who came home again stinking rich. Basically, almost everyone wears white, usually “Gone with the Wind” style dresses for the women, and suits and Panama hats for the men. Some people carry cardboard suitcases,…

February 22, 2009