World Book Day

April 23rd is world book day. On La Palma, the celebrations go on all week. Both Santa Cruz and Los Llanos have book stalls out in the street. Last year, they had a 10% discount, although most of the books were in Spanish. Since I’m a book-a-holic, I loved it. This year, they’re having events to encourage people to come. Amoung other things, Callou (from the TV series) will be…

April 20, 2009

Weekend Carnival Programme

Santa Cruz de La PalmaSaturday, 28th February 12:00 noon. Cuban music in the plaza de la Alameda. 10 pm Costume night, with music from Salsaludando and Arena Caliente at the carnival stage Sunday, 1st March 6 pm children´s party with music from Vigord Jazz, and a prize for the best child´s costume of 2009, at the carnival stage. Los LlanosSaturday, 28th February 6 pm Carnival Procession in Puerto Naos. Organized…

February 28, 2009

Canival programme during the week

Santa Cruz de La PalmaMonday, 23rd February LOS INDIANOS – the main event for most people. At one time many Palmerans left the island in search of a better life in the Caribean. Los Indianos celebratesthose who came home again stinking rich. Basically, almost everyone wears white, usually “Gone with the Wind” style dresses for the women, and suits and Panama hats for the men. Some people carry cardboard suitcases,…

February 22, 2009

Los Llanos Carnival Program for the weekend

FRIDAY, February 20Festival of Comparsas (Comparsas perform musical dance numbers)> 8 p.m. Carnival Stage SATURDAY, February 21Comparsas performance> 11.30 a.m. Plaza de España Big Talcum-Powder throwing party (NB, there’s a really good talc-throwing party in Santa Cruz on Monday)Music and Dancing with La Retranca, Libertad and Salsaludando orchestras> 1 p.m. Carnival stage More Music and Dancingwith the orchestras: Bolero, Libertad and Ricaband> 10 p.m. Carnival Scene SUNDAY, February 22 THIRD…

February 18, 2009

Ruido Fiesta 7

Casiano Melian Friday night was the fiesta for issue 7 of Fanzine Ruido, held in bar Jon y Jor, inthe same building as the Millenium cinema in Los Llanos It was a great night out. €3 paid for entrance to the gig, a copy of the magazine, and a free beer. (I was driving, so it was the only alcohol I had all night.) The bands were Casiano Melian and…

October 5, 2008

Boogie on Down

October 5, 2008

Friday night was the fiesta for issue 7 of Fanzine Ruido. I wanted to go, so did my husband, and it was too late for our son. We got lucky at someone else’s expense. Our friends Helen and Theresa wanted to go too, but their clutch has an intermittent problem, and they didn’t trust it all the way to Los Llanos. On the other hand, they had to come to…