Life being a bit too interesting

January 7, 2018

Tonight my husband took it into his head that he wanted photos of himself dressed as Libelula with the Christmas lights in San Pedro. So we did. It was fun, but I was tired afterwards. I get clumsy when I’m tired and somehow I wound up tipping a full mug of pumpkin soup into the bag where I keep my huge, half-finished tapestry. Of course that meant I had to…


Goals and Resolutions

Calendar for 2018
January 1, 2018

Happy new year everyone! I have rather definite views on new year resolutions. Most people give up by February, so I have every sympathy with people who don’t bother in the first place. Personally I pick just one thing to try to change so I can concentrate. If / when that’s become enough of a habit that I don’t need to think about it, I can always start another resolution…



Cesar Manrique's last house at Haria, Lanzarote
August 30, 2017

I’m on holiday in Orzola, in the north of Lanzarote. I spent the first day and a half just chilling, writing and critiquing for friends, but this morning I got up early to explore. I drove up to Mirador del Rio in time for the sunrise, but the viewpoint itself was closed due to a strike. At the time I didn’t realise what I was missing. I did get a…


Some things mended

Three weeks ago I posted that I’d had a spate of things breaking.Here’s an update. The dentist sorted out my crown loose crown and it’s been so comfortable that I’d forgotten all about it until I re-read the post from July. My new glasses are fine. I finally got my smartphone back yesterday morning. I was delighted, of course. I had trouble reconnecting it to the wi-fi, and I still…

August 18, 2017

Broken things

Last week I wrote that my smart phone was in for repairs. I can manage with my not-very-smarty phone, but I miss the other one and I still have about 3 weeks to go. Meanwhile my glasses are almost broken. I ordered new ones on Friday and I hope they arrive before the current ones finally die. I’m very short sighted and practically blind without them, although luckily I do…

July 25, 2017

Busy again

Dog under the table, surrounded by feet
July 19, 2017

nbsp; July and August means lots of people are visiting the observatory, which means lots of guiding work for me. Great! I accept as much as I can, because I know work will be scarce in the autumn. I’m also making a real effort to exercise for my health. It’s working – I have more energy and the weight’s slowly coming off, but it does take up time. So does…