Desperately Seeking Sheila

RAvens enjoying cat biscuits at the Roque de Los Muchachos. Photo credit: Sheila Crosby
December 18, 2015

We had a good one today. I was tour guiding at the Roque, and for some reason the mobile phone tower wasn’t working, which was a pity because two of my group were driving round and round the observatory trying to find me. They managed to call Ana Garcia, who was trying to work out where the heck they were from their verbal descriptions. Eventually they described the impassible barrier…


My terrible hard life

A cup of coffee and the view at El Time viewpoint
December 13, 2015

Almost as soon as I got back from the Story Tellers’ conference, I plunged into a storm of tour guiding. El Time, La Zarza and the Roque one day, a walking tour of Santa Cruz at the weekend, down the south for volcanoes and wine and up north to the laurel forest and rum factory. In the process, I was paid to eat salad, cheese, sponge cake, bananas, and chocolate…


Storytelling Conference

Poster for the Canarian Storytellers conference, 2015, La Gomera
November 26, 2015

Tomorrow I’m off to another conference, this time a 3-day one for storytelling. Not the advertising technique, the “Once upon a time…” type of oral storytelling. Last year was the first one and I met a wonderful bunch of people, so I’m really looking forward to meeting them all again and seeing them perform. The catch (and maybe the best part) is that I’ll be performing too. You see, I…



The french flag at half mast
November 15, 2015

I’m appalled. Well of course I am. So many innocent people just trying to have a peaceful night out. In what universe is this justified? And in what universe does it make sense to attack refugees fleeing from the same appalling idiology? Look, the enemy isn’t Muslims. The enemy is hate and violence. “The bully doesn’t fight because he wants to win; he fights because he wants a world in…



Writers and Bloggers of Spain conference, 2015 at the Parador in Antequera
November 11, 2015

. I’m back home and feeling an intermittent tap against my toes as they touch the ground now and then. The conference was great! WABAS stands for Writers and Blogger in Spain but we were a very diverse group, including a market researcher, a virtual assistant, a flamenco dancer and an English teacher. I signed up for it because I felt I needed to get off my hamster wheel in…


Spreading my wings

It’s been a mad busy week, but tonight I’m off to a writer’s conference in Malaga. I’ll be back on Monday night (and tour guiding on Tuesday morning).

November 6, 2015