Sopas de miel

Sopas de miel
February 22, 2011

This is a traditional recipe for Carnival in the Canary Islands. A literal translation would be “honey soup” but as you can see, this isn’t soup. It can be rather soggy, though. I believe in some places they use honey, but on La Palma, it’s always “miel de cana”, which is like black treacle or molasses, but a little runnier. Ingredients Molasses (one small jar) 1 tsp cinnamon anis 1…


Canary Style Green Beans

When I annouce that we’re having green beans for dinner, our 11-year-old usually says, “Thank you, Mummy!” I don’t think I’d get that reaction with plain boiled beans. Of course, it helps of the beans are really fresh. These came from Puntagorda farmers’ market. Serves four polite people or three hungry ones as a main course. Ingredients:About 700 g of green beans150g bacon (in narrow strips)2-3 cloves garlic1 red pepper1…

June 18, 2008