Starting writing again

August was so busy that I had to stop writing, and then I had to catch up with housework (at least sorta kinda catch up) before my son’s birthday party. But now most of the really urgent stuff has been done, and I can start work on the novel again. And in a burst of unusually nice timing, I have some information I can use. I realised a while ago…

September 6, 2015

She’s Back!

My enthusiasm came back! She’s sitting on my shoulder, with that lovely silky fur snuggled up against my neck. On Sunday morning I read in Writer’s News about a competition for page-turning novels run by a writers’ agency. Unlike most such competitions, they were prepared to look at “almost complete drafts” as well as finished ones. And I have an almost complete draft of a whodunnit set in the observatory….

January 27, 2015


I’ve managed enough baby steps that now half the stories are in the “Done” folder, along with all the shorter texts, like “About the Artists” and “Acknowledgements”. So the book won’t be going to the printer’s while I’m away, and I’ll be astonished if it goes to layout, but it is at least moving. And now I’m busy dealing with all the little jobs I’ve been putting off, trying to…

August 11, 2014


I went back to the dentist yesterday. Much better! I now have a temporary filling that hopefully won’t need to come out. If all goes well, the dentist will put a permanent cover on it in three weeks. Meanwhile, it’s sensitive to hot and cold, but doesn’t hurt otherwise. The children’s anthology is coming on nicely, too. I’ve started writing the last story in English, nine of the stories have…

November 8, 2013

Busy, busy, busy

Well, I’ve guided two tours at the Roque, started the paperwork to re-register my son at the same school (yes, I’m still his mother, yes, I’ve still got the same ID number), picked up a small travel writing job (yay!), repotted a bunch of plants, submitted three stories, handed in my tax return and written several thousand words of fiction. Phew!

June 30, 2010


I have a head cold, and so does my son. ‘Snot much fun. On the other hand, I’ve been a good girl and sent off five submissions in one day. They’re all flash fiction, so they won’t make me rich, but at least I’ve done something about my writing career.

August 29, 2009