• The Seer’s Stone
  • The Dodo Dragon and other stories
  • About Sheila Crosby
  • A Breathtaking Window on the Universe

Los Andennes Viewpoint

There are lots of good viewpoints on La Palma, but one of my favourites is Los Andennes, where you get an amazing view into the Caldera. The viewpoint is between km 32 and 33 on the road from Santa Cruz to the Roque de los Muchachos, and there’s parking for several cars. Most days of the year, you’re well above the clouds, often looking down on them. Soemtimes the Caldera…


Perfectly legal parking

My husband managed to fix N’s car on Saturday. We invited her to come for lunch and collect it. Since she’s found herself a new home to move into next weekend, it seemed like a good idea to move a bit of something from her house at the same time (she lives a ten-minute walk from the nearest car-parking space.) So we set off with a couple of bags of…


Corpus Christi in San Jose

Like a lot of places, San José in Breña Baja celebrates Corpus Christi (the body of Christ) on the Sunday ten weeks after Easter Sunday. Traditionally, they make carpets out of coloured salt, like this one from 2006. (You can see more at https://sheilacrosby.com/fiestas.php .) The most famous of these carpets are in La Oratava in Tenerife. This year they’ll be making them on Thursday, May 29th. This year’s carpets…


Corpus Christi

Yesterday was the main day for Corpus Christi in Mazo. I was busy yesterday, so this morning I went there as soon as I’d dropped my son off at school. I’d hardly started driving when I saw the nearly-full moon about to set behind the ridge. By the time I’d managed to park, change camera lenses, and get out of the car, it had set quite a bit. I’m still…


Corpus Christi in Mazo

Corpus Christi (the body of Christ) is a big festival in Mazo. They decorate the streets with spectacular archways and carpets covered with flowers and seeds. The main feast day is ten weeks after Maundy Thursday, so this year it’s very early. (In 2009 it will be on the 11th of June). People collect the materials and work on the pieces pretty much all year, but it all comes together…


And yet more driving

Yesterday N went to see her car insurance firm. Yes, the policy includes a tow truck. Yay! But the truck would come from the other side of the island so she couldn’t travel with it. On the plus side, they should get to the car half an hour after she phoned. So off we went back to Garafía, yet again. We phoned the insurance firm while we were stuck in…