Not Boring

Today Norma came for lunch. And while my husband gave her car the once-over, the two of us gave me a Sci-Fi makeover. You see the photo on my main web page is perfectly adequate, it’s really rather bland. So we spent a happy afternoon trying to make me as un-bland as possible. We succeeded so well that I’m not going to post a photo of the results. I want…

February 10, 2008

The Observatory

Gran Telescopio Canarias, or GTC, the biggest optical telescope in the world, Roque de Los Muchachos observatory, La Palma
February 10, 2008

  Twinkling stars are pretty, but astronomers would much rather they didn’t. The twinkle is caused by movement in the air above you (the same as a mirage on very hot days) and it stops the astronomers getting a clear view. The Hubble Telescope gets such wonderfully clear images because it’s out of the atmosphere altogether. But there’s only one Hubble, and it cost a fortune. So they build ground-based…



So here we are in this lovely sub-tropical island, land of eternal spring. And the top of the mountain is covered with snow. Last night’s rain turned into a storm, with far too much thunder and lightning to sleep through. It went on for hours. And this morning, I could see snow on the mountain. Not just the peak (the Roque de los Muchachos at 2426 m or 7,959 ft),…

February 9, 2008

The Sardine’s Funeral

Tonight was supposed to be the sardine’s funeral in Santa Cruz de la Palma. This is actually a bizarre finale to Carnival, and as such was traditionally held on Ash Wednesday. (They still do so in Tenerife. See some years ago, Santa Cruz de La Palma started to hold their Sardine’s Funeral on the Friday of Carnival week. Presumably they felt it would be more popular if most people…

February 8, 2008


On Tuesday I felt tired and out of sorts, so I got very little done apart from a bit of housework and a bit of novel. I didn’t even make pancakes, Shrove Tuesday or not. Yesterday I felt rather better, and made some modest progress. I threw away some clutter. The ironing pile shrunk. The new blog got up to ten posts, RSS feed and links to friends and Blogrush….

February 7, 2008


Mojitos for carnival, Santa Cruz de La Palma
February 6, 2008

  Mojitos are a popular drink during Carnival: sugar, lemon juice, rum and mint. This bar is famous for them all year round, so during Carnival they prepare them in batches. This was one of the smaller batches! One of the things I like about La Palma, is that people often have a few drinks, but it’s rare to see anyone downright drunk. There’s an article about this at