
On Tuesday I felt tired and out of sorts, so I got very little done apart from a bit of housework and a bit of novel. I didn’t even make pancakes, Shrove Tuesday or not.

Yesterday I felt rather better, and made some modest progress. I threw away some clutter. The ironing pile shrunk. The new blog got up to ten posts, RSS feed and links to friends and Blogrush. I made pancakes, which my son loves.

The novel’s been plodding on too. It’s up to 75,500 words, and I haven’t done today’s stint yet.

Not a very intersting post. I’d better try to have a more interesting life, hadn’t I?

Posted by sheila

Sheila came to La Palma with a six month contract and has stayed 24 years so far. She used to work as a software engineer at the observatory, but now she's a writer and Starlight guide.

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